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Schoolyard illustration coming to the finish line
A ball to the face will always bring out Kirby's temper (the school bully). Almost done with this painting, one more child to do, and,...
How small can I go...
Painting small today...
Pattern Play...
I do love playing with patterns.
Micro-painting, is that a term?
I'm micro-painting today...
I love Photography especially people portraits
My daughter-in-law and her beautiful daughters...
Value check...
Checking value (darkest darks to lightest lights) using B/W filter.
Nothing is more important to a Father than the happiness and well-being of his family. Charley's Dad listens intently to his son and must...
Being bullied takes a toll...
Being bullied takes a toll. "Illustration from Charley and the Pumpkin Farm". Will Charley go to the Pumpkin Farm tomorrow knowing Kirby...
Character drawing
Character drawing for my bedtime illustration.
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